There is talk about
Skunk and badger
Find out about awards, lists, reviews, blurbs and straight up opinions. See videos. Observe that someone forgot their book in a tree. Another left it propped on a fence post. Many copies of Skunk and Badger are read in precarious proximity to mugs of breakfast hot chocolate.
To find, see and read CLICK HERE.
Want one article that does it all? Read Bernie Goedhart’s “Animal Chemistry: Old Fashioned Read Aloud Fable Seems Right for the Times” (Montreal Gazette and Postmedia Newspapers 9/26/20). Review and interview with both Jon and Amy.
Prefer to listen? Here’s Poet Hera Lindsay Bird speaking to Kathryn Ryan on Radio New Zealand about her experience reading Skunk and Badger:
Indie Bookstore Bestseller!
AND Tattered Covers Book of the Year! Did you know that Tattered Covers voted Skunk and Badger the best book of 2020? Yes, THE best book of all books published in 2020. Both me and the publisher double-checked this one to make sure of this because REALLY? But it’s true! The staff voted for SKUNK AND BADGER. Wow!
“Somewhere east of ‘Frog and Toad’ and west of ‘The Odd Couple’ live Skunk and Badger, as mismatched a pair of mustelids as you’ll ever find in North Twist.”
– Jim Higgins, “‘Skunk and Badger’: A classic odd couple you’ll want to meet,” Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (9/23/20)
No one wants a skunk.
They are unwelcome on front stoops. They should not linger in Rock Rooms. Skunks should never, ever be allowed to move in. But Skunk is Badger’s new roommate, and there is nothing Badger – who prefers a quiet Rock Room and the focus of Important Rock Work – can do about it. Skunk plows into Badger’s life, and everything is upended. Tails are flipped. The wrong animal is sprayed. And why-oh-why are there so many chickens?
Skunk and Badger is the first in a series about two opposites who need to be friends.
• • •
“It’s an early chapter book, so it’s like [for ages] seven to 10, but it’s ridiculous that there’s an upper limit on this cause I could be 90 and still loving this book." Daniel Goldin, proprietor of Boswell Book Company as told to Becca Schimmel on WUWM 89.7 (Milwaukee's NPR)
Book Trailer!
(Click on the image below)
What does the book look like?
Need a discussion guide for skunk and Badger?
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Want to make muffins like Skunk?
Skunk’s basic muffin recipe is HERE. Strawberry Cinnamon Muffins? Skunk suggests 1 teaspoon of cinnamon and a cup of dried strawberries (chop or leave whole).
The final question:
Is the chicken whistle a thing?
Deb Aronson, who writes the “Books for Kids” column, wants to know!
Click below for a video:

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